So you're like, who is this guy, and why should I read his reviews. Well I'll tell you Mother Fucker!

My name is Adam Kirkey. I work in the film industry, and have a vast knowledge of movies, how they're made, and a bunch of useless tidbit knowledge about them, that you can impress, or annoy your friends with.

More importantly, I'm an everyman. And like you dear reader, I just like going to the movies.

So whats the point of the site: To review movies, quickly, and informatively, and give you the everyman, or woman, some idea, with out boring the shit out of you, what the movie is like, if you'll like it, and of your non-movie go-er friends, or date, will like it.

So if you hate, long drawn out reviews, written by someone who you wouldn't take advise from in the first place. Or if you hate hearing about all the Bullshit, syntax, and symbology they throw into the review, because they're paid by the word, and how they actually tell you nothing about the fucking film, just about how they were feeling that day, and how much their lives suck....Then you're in the right place!

Follow me on twitter to get my updates: @Adamkirkey
Also feel free to tweet requests at me!

Comment on the reviews, lets chat movies!

Also I do this for free, so if you like my shit, feel free to buy me gift cards for the movies! ( Can't blame me for trying right? )

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